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Commercial Janitorial & Sweeping Services

Welcome To ProJan Services LLC

Our Services
Projan Services provides full service janitorial services. We specialize in cleaning commercial office buildings, corporate headquarters, office/warehouses, municipalities and schools. No matter what size from 1,500 sq.ft. to 900,000 sq.ft we can design a plan to meet your needs.
We deliver the quality of janitorial service that you expect in a building service contractor. A clean building says a lot about your business. Our cleaning team will bring you the value that you deserve at a price that you can afford. We can achieve the standards of cleanliness and appearance your business requires . . . at a price that makes sense.
Projan can provide full time day porter service or customers can choose an evening porter service. Duties include, but are not limited to:
• Parking lot sweeping
• Blow and sweep sidewalks and curbs
• Pick up trash around building, dumpsters, and landscape areas
• Empty and clean outside common area trash cans
• Wash exterior windows of vacant stores monthly
We specialize in a variety of Commercial Janitorial Cleaning Services throughout the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex.
We work with facilities large and small, so whether you manage a large facility or own a small business, we have the tools, the equipment and the professional resources to handle all of your Commercial Janitorial needs.